Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dining In

We moved into our home 2 1/2 years ago. To be completely honest, I didn't walk away from that initial viewing with any type of "this might be it!" kind of feeling. It was straight out of 1987. Yellow linoleum, carpet in the bedrooms that was worn and not sure what color it wanted to be. It was all  very.. unappealing. To me.

Long [long] story short, we came back to it after seeing a dozen more homes and knew it was one that we needed to invest some TLC and $$ into, but saw its potential. Well, my husband saw its potential - like he does in everything and everyone. He's a gem. Did I mention his dad owns a tile/flooring business? Awesome, right?

That seems like a long time ago. We've had two babies in this home already! And if you know me, you know that change is my best friend. Let's not even talk about how many shower curtains I've cycled through.

My decorating style and taste always changes, but I feel like I've landed in a general area. Thanks be to Pinterest and the infinite ideas and projects it allows me to hand over to my husband (ha) we really feel like we're finally making it a home.

I need to give you a little taste of what we initially signed up for. It's only fair.

I know, I know. What's not to love? :)
We took down that random pillar that you see to the left of the photo. We painted, put in wood floors (swoon) and I redecorated...or something. This was a long time ago and that house was so cluttered when we first saw it. I couldn't help but error on the side of simple. Or bare.

See that table? That's an $80 goodwill find! These past few weeks, my husband sanded, repainted and distressed it. (Man Of The Year over here.) Still a few more things we want to do: new light fixture, reupholster those chairs,  a little something on each side of the window, and maybe a patterned rug? I don't know yet. But I am so pleased!

Lastly, and this is just a little section in the dining room we're working on. You can't really see it in any of the other photos, but I sure am obsessed with it.

Until my next round of remodeling.. ;)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall In Indiana

I really need to get better at blogging.. but I say that every day, so. Moving on.

The girls and I took a trip home for twelve whole days. We spent lots of time with my parents and sisters. I spent lots of time staring at the red, yellow, and orange leaves that fall in Indiana has to offer. I ate a lot. Like, a lot. Anyways, I got a lot of great photos while we were there. Did you know I like to take photos? Did you know I'm trying to start a business? Well now you do.

In Indiana, you have to drive a long ways to get to most places. Emery doesn't mind.

My dad (Peeps, as Emery calls him) is a really really great Grandpa (and dad) ;)

This is my pretty sister, Amanda. She's really good with my babies. She's good with all babies.
(I can't figure out why her photo is off-center. So just pretend it isn't.)

We visited the Apple Orchard. A must when we're home in the fall.

And this is my other pretty sister, Kacey. I think Reese likes her a little more than everyone else.

While my kids are really great, I need to brag a little on my parents' house/barn/land. It really does a number on me when I'm missing home.

Straight country.

My mom is really hard to find when I have my camera out. But she's pretty, too. And she's a wonderful Grandma (Meems) as well.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

our first sign

This past weekend we spent some time in Indiana celebrating the marriage of one of my best friends. It's safe to say that it was the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to. This friend of mine is my kindred spirit, for sure. Her dress, her wedding decor, and her love for her groom were all things to be admired.

While I am very pro-wedding registry gift, I wanted to do something a little different for her. So, I paid very close attention to her Pinterest boards and came up with this sign - one that is very popular in the re-pinning world. All I ever have to do is cast the vision, and my husband makes it happen.

I had researched buying this little sign for her...but once I found the source and their price tag, I knew we could do it on our own for a much friendlier price :)

We've kicked around the idea of making more for people who are interested. I might even have to do one for myself!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

new blog

Watch out! After now having two babies, I realized my old blog slightly favors baby girl #1 with its title, and we just can't have that! I'm excited about the name of this blog, as I really believe it sums up everything that is important to me.

I got the name while listening to my iTunes one evening. Not only does it make for a cute header, it has become a song and phrase that my little family holds dear. Written by John Newton - who also wrote Amazing Grace - it's a rich hymn filled with so much truth.

I'm looking forward to blogging again. We've got a lot of great stuff going on over here!